A Splash of Innovation In The Booze Business

A Splash of Innovation In The Booze Business

As the big booze companies become more and more multi-national and therefore less and less willing to take a punt on the kind of high risk innovation strategies that created brands like Baileys, malibu and Sheridan's 20 – 30 years ago … a new breed of distiller is creeping into the market place to exploit the cutting-edge consumers' desire for novelty. 

Micro-Distillers are starting to gain the kind of press and consumer interest that is allowing them to punch way beyond their weight.  Wired Magazine feature four US stills in their September issue, including one genius innovation from Treasure Island Distillery: China Beach has been charcoal distilled to remove almost all the hangover-causing acetone molecules!

Not to be outdone, the UK has a number of Micro-Stills including Sipsmith, who created a splash earlier this year by commissioning the first new gin still in london for 200 years.

Another classic example of how hard the big boys need to work in order to maintain their share of interest!