Growth Building Block #1: Claims Optimisation

13 Mar 2018

Optimisation is all about making sure your product or brand’s core proposition is relevantly differentiated and its reasons-to-believe are expressed in the most compelling ways possible.

The objective is to express your product’s fundamental value proposition so clearly, that price-based activity becomes a way of gaining temporary advantage – rather than your sole way of defending your market position!

  • First step is to gain penetrating insights into underlying consumer needs and the ways consumers evaluate competitive offerings.
  • Then work out what features, benefits or attributes you could leverage to convince consumers that your solution is a superior match to their needs.
  • Finally, you need to craft these points of superiority into relevant, memorable and compelling claims!

Simple … but not easy.

We can help guide you through the process and help you generate game-changing results – just like we have for the team at Reckitt Benckiser.

Why not check out the case history … then give us a call?

Challenge:  What are your brand’s differentiating RTBs and how could Brand Development help you optimise their relevance?

Written by  David Goudge