Making  Christmas a Little Happier for Five Brilliant Years!

Every Christmas there is a new ‘number one’ and a brand new ‘must have’ toy …But happily, there are also those Christmas favourites that return, to everyone’s delight, year after year.These are the ‘Christmas classics’ whose driving consumer insights resonate equally strongly over time – and whose reasons-to-be never fade!

The Malteser Reindeer has come bouncing back for the last five years, because he taps-into a deep-rooted consumer need for lighthearted fun!

A Christmas Tradition!

We are really proud of the role we played in creating this brilliant Christmas tradition!

How We Got Involved …

Back in 2008 we helped the Mars Seasonal team create the Creme-Egg beating Maltester Bunny.He was so successful, that it wasn’t very long before we were invited back, to help them brainstorm ideas for how they how to build on the Bunny’s success.Amongst the many brilliant ideas generated in that workshop, was the concept of cracking Christmas by evolving the Bunny into a variety of equally cheeky and charming Christmas charactersHappily, one of the strongest concepts was a mischievous reindeer – and before too long the Malteser Reindeer was born.The rest, as they say, is history!If you’d like more information about projects we have completed for other clients like Nespresso, Optimum Nutrition and Unilever – check them out here

If you’d like to find out how we could help you disrupt one of your markets just give us a call on +44 1491 411272, or connect with David or Joanna via LinkedIn

We custom-build solutions for every client – that deliver brilliant results!

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