Co-Creating Validated Innovation Concepts

Too many promising ideas die, because just one small element of the proposition isn’t right.

We are huge fans of qualitative concept co-creation with super-consumers – as a quick, cost-effective, but highly successful way of optimising innovation concepts.

But sometimes a higher degree of certainty is required …

Getting Creative With Quant

When you need greater certainty, quant is the obvious choice …

But when you want to retain an element of creativity – it’s a bit less obvious.

Especially when you want to to allow consumers to help you spot the optimum combination of: insight, idea, benefit and reason-to-believe.

Imagination Required!

We’re really excited by the concept co-creation and optimisation tool that our quant specialists have created.

It harnesses the power of quant to allow consumers to build their perfect concept – and you to spot your optimum concept mix.

# 1: Relevant Insights

Step 1: Spotting genuine insights and unmet needs.How:  Consumers start by evaluating a bank of insights for relevance and resonance.

# 2: Motivating Benefits

Step 2: Identifying the most motivating ideas & benefits.How: Consumers then rate a bank of solutions & benefits for relevance, appeal & uniqueness.

# 3: Differentiating RTBs

Step 3:  Pinpointing the most compelling RTBs.How:  Consumers then identify the most believable & differentiating Reasons-to-Believe.

Maximising The Value of Quant

Quant concept co-creation allows us to quickly and cost-effectively craft and optimise power propositions across multiple consumer segments and multiple geographies.

But better than that, it gives you the tools you need to shape and prioritise your optimum innovation pipeline based on resonance, appeal, differentiation – and unreplicated reach!If you’d like us to help you unlock the creative power of quant proposition co-creation get in touch today

Give us a call on +44 1491 411272, or connect with David or Joanna via LinkedIn.

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