Beating Ehrenberg-Bass’ Benchmarks

The Ehrenberg-Bass Institute calculates that 40% of new products fail within two years of launch.

Even New Product of The Year winners aren’t guaranteed to succeed.  Ehrenberg-Bass calculated that as many as half have failed within 5 years of launch.

Which makes the Maltesers Bunny and Family pretty impressive. Not only has the family won three NPoTY awards – but they’re all thriving as ‘teenagers’!

It’s Easter, And The Bunnies Are Back!

The Maltesers Bunnies are back … and they’re bigger than ever.

But it wasn’t always this way.  There was a time that Cadbury’s Creme Egg dominated ‘Easter self-treating’ …

So, why have the Bunnies done so well?

It All Started With Insight

We gathered together some of Creme Egg’s most dedicated fans …

We observed them eating the product.

We analysed their experiences.

And we explored their emotions.

We Defined Our Challenge

We mapped out all the dimensions that made the Creme Egg such a success.

Then, having analysed why they were important, we set out to beat Creme Egg on every measure.

How Bunnies Were Born

We worked seamlessly with the Mars team throughout the process.

We learned from competitor Best in Class seasonal executions and took inspiration from unrelated categories that executed seasonal well …

We even took inspiration from the world of cartoons and film …

Then, we explored propositions under a number of brands – before it became apparent that Maltesers was the most appropriate!

A Structured But Agile Approach

We Leveraged Our Learnings

We used insights we’d gained from consumers to shape every stage of the creative process.

The product design had to be lively and fun.

The ingredients had to deliver lightness and engagement.

The packaging had to be simple and functional, but communicate lots of personality.

Brainstorming Product Design Formats

You’d hardly credit that such a simple looking design was so carefully thought through.

From the use of the bunny as the design hero – to the jaunty angle of his cheeky pose.  Every element was carefully considered.

Co-Creating With Consumers

Speed was of the essence as Mars wanted to be ready for the Easter season.

Rather that using traditional methods of research like groups, we co-opted both Creme Egg loving and hating consumers for conflict co-creation groups.

Launch Fast and Learn

Rather than test the concept to death and move cautiously, the Seasonal team backed their judgement and launched fast.

Within 18 months we were working on range extensions like Mini-Bunnies and the MerryTeaser Christmas Reindeer…

The Bunny Goes From Strength to Strength

When this journey started, Creme Egg owned the run-up to Easter.

Now, as we rapidly approach Easter 2023 the aisles are a sea of Maltesers red.

Clear proof that with the right insights, ideas and approach – any market can be disrupted …

We’ve Got The Tools To Help You Disrupt!

Whatever category you operate in, we have the agile innovation tools you will need.

Actionable Insights

Find out more about our virtual insighting tools here

Disruptive Ideation

Find out more about our workshop techniques here

Consumer Co-Creation

Find out more about our co-creation techniques here

Let's Do It Today!

If you’d like more information about projects we have completed for other clients like Nespresso, Optimum Nutrition and Unilever – check them out here

If you’d like to hear the full Bunny success story please do get in touch today,

If you’d like to find out how we could help you disrupt one of your markets just give us a call on +44 1491 411272, or connect with David or Joanna via LinkedIn

We custom-build solutions for every client – that deliver brilliant results!