Revitalising The Role of Robinsons Fruit Creations

We love the iconic Robinsons brand so were thrilled when Britvic asked us to help them develop a portfolio strategy that created a distinct role for their Fruit Creations range.

The challenge was to find a place between their core products and their premium cordials that would secure the long term success of the Fruit Creations range.

The scope of the project included flavour strategy, claims, pack design, in-store activation and NPD.

Creating Insight-Driven Advantage

We followed a five step process that helped us understand triggers for consumption and barriers for non-buyers.

  • Consumer immersion – mobile ethnology allowed us to explore our consumers’ kitchens, their daily consumption habits, in-store shopping behaviour and current best in class.  An empathetic understanding meant we could really understand triggers and barriers to purchase.
  • Shop along interviews – In store interviews with consumers allowed us to build on the ethnology learning and gain deeper understanding of context, price awareness, reactions to different elements of the Robinsons portfolio and premium cues.
  • Stimulus optimisation workshop – In a multi-disciplinary workshop we shared our ethno-powered understanding of consumers’ motivations, behaviours and perceptions to generate relevant and compelling stimulus to explore with consumers.
  • Online super consumer groups – By exploring insights, flavours, packs, claims and in-store ideas we developed a clear understanding of the mix of levers that would optimise the appeal of Fruit Creations and embed its position within the Robinsons portfolio.
  • Sharing and strategy session – We delivered a debrief and facilitated a working session to identify clear strategies to unlock growth and create a compelling vision for the future of the brand.

Fast-Track Implementation

We’re so excited to see the new claims, pack design and advertising now in market.

Brilliantly bold on-the-go advertising developed by Britvic’s agency cleverly brings to life Fruit Creations’ compelling, added-value proposition of enticing flavour combinations.

What’s Your Challenge?

What is the challenge that’s holding back your business growth?

  • Disruptive Strategy: Need to refocus your ways-of-winning?
  • New Product Ideas:  Need to build a pipeline of breakthrough NPD?
  • Brand Renovation: Need to revitalise an existing brand?
  • Brand Stretch: Need to build new value streams from your core brand equity?

Whatever your challenge – we can help!

Unlocking Growth!

We can help you create online and face-to-face solutions that work – whatever your budget and timeframe

If you’d like to explore how we could help you make it happen – give us a call on +44 1491 411272, or connect with David or Joanna via LinkedIn.