Whether you are formulating innovation strategy, generating ideas or even brand planning, there’s nothing sadder than an under-utilised deck of trends.

They should be inspiring your team, stimulating them to think beyond the constraints of today’s solutions to creatively explore how future consumer needs could be met!

We’ve created a brand-new trends activation tool and two-step activation process to turn inspiring trends into commercial opportunities.Workshops are the ideal way to turn trends into creative thinking and inspiring concepts.  They let you bring your team together, share perspectives and spark ideas – but they need structure.  That’s why we’ve created our two step tool.

  • Step One illuminates the trends and inspires thinking
  • Step Two unlocks their potential to create opportunities

We’ve also created a high-energy Thinkubator workshop that will bring your team together and creatively explore how you might use existing & emerging technologies to unlock the trends that are most relevant to your industry.

So, whether you use our 12 power-trends as the start-point, or your own – why not get in touch so we can help you get your team’s innovation year off to a flying start?

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