What your consumer wants in 2015: 5 power-trends to stimulate your creativity and help get your innovation year off to a flying start!

My Way – Flexibility is a key demand of consumers.

They want to view it, buy it and get it their way.  As the line blurs between in-store and on-line brands and retailers need to keep up.

Consumers will demand fast lane services and be willing to pay for it if the service suits them.

Smart Way – Synced devices will save pressurised consumers both time and money.

Wearable tech and smart home appliances will give instant feedback, convenience and control.

Brands need to hook up or get left behind.

Quality Way – Status conscious consumers want products and services that create professional quality results without learning new skills and with no delay.

Provide the tools to achieve what they want quickly and expertly to deliver success in 2015.

Individual Way – Traditional demographic classifications such as gender, age and family status no longer give marketers a clear read on consumer’s needs, desires, motivations and barriers.

Consumers behave as, and believe themselves to be, individuals.

A brand that doesn’t recognise the individual is doomed.

Right Way – Consumers expect brands to behave ethically and demonstrate social responsibility to gain their loyalty.    Increasingly consumers want to be engaged and evolved in this ethical behaviour.

Brands need to reward causes close to consumers heart as well as the consumers themselves.

If companies’ behaviour doesn’t match consumers’ expectations – the consumers will make sure their displeasure is heard.

Give us a call and we will happily tell you a bit more about the multitude of trends within each of these power-trends  …. or follow this link to find out how we can help you quickly & cost-effectively activate them within your business!

Sources: Market-watching, desk-research, Mintel, Trendwatching, Ericsson and good old Google…….