Happy New Year!
January is a perfect time to review the past year, pick up on the key trends from the last 12 months and start thinking about how to use these themes to optimise future innovation.
Having absorbed mountains of articles and reports on the big trends to watch, we’ve compiled our own short-list of the 9 most inspiring trends that we’ll be keeping an eye on in 2016. See what you think of the topics we’ve pulled out here.
Of course, trends aren’t much use if you don’t act on them. The challenge for businesses is to unlock how a key trend can help mould and improve their brand strategy. Under-utilised trends make us very sad – as an innovation agency we’ve obviously got more than a few ideas on how to use relevant trends to kickstart ideation.
New year’s resolutions come in all shapes and sizes – let’s hope lots of brands decide to make converting trend potential a priority this year!